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Monday, November 07, 2005

Morning Praises

1. Both girls are down for naps simultaneously!
2. Kirklyn is leaving early today (I love her dearly, but a little break is good)
3. Our friends Ryan and Amy Gibbons are coming over tomorrow night to watch Morgan so we can have a night out. No strings attached!
4. Kirklyn's daddy, Dewitt, has a 2nd interview today for an AP job in Everman.
5. Greg comes home early tonight - no FCA!
6. I think AJ's anxiety and stress are getting better.
7. I got all of the poop out of Morgan's new swimsuit!
8. Christmas parties are being scheduled right and left!
9. The weather is gorgeous (though warm for November)
10. I'm taking lunch to a friend at Crow on Wednesday.

It's good to start the day counting little blessings. God blesses us every moment of everyday. It's so easy to get caught up in minor frustrations (i.e. poop in the swimsuit). I'm going to praise God for the good things instead of focusing on the bad!

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

What a small world that we live in---my old youth intern and his wife are babysitting my best friend/college roomates daughter. Add that to your list of praises! Glad that you are having a great day--especially glad that you got out the poop!