Hello, blog world. What a crazy last few months we have had. I am now 30 weeks pregnant and am on partial bedrest for the remainer of my pregnancy. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago to have a routine sonogram. The baby had dropped already and my body was already progressing towards labor, so the doctor ordered "reduced physical activity" and house arrest. It's been hard, but I think we are adjusting well. Greg has been amazing. He is cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, taking care of Morgan (and me), and working full time as well. He has turned into both mommy and daddy! As hard as it is on him, we are both praying that it stays this way for a few more weeks. We do not want our baby to be too premature. Currently we think she is about 3 pounds, so we would like to hold on for at least 4 more weeks! So, while on bedrest, I've decided to catch up on the ol' blog. It may take a few entries, but that's OK. I've got nothing but time on my hands!
This fall was non-stop excitement in the Pirtle household! We had some sort of event every weekend in September and October. Even though it was exhausting, we have had a great time. Here are a few pictures from some of our trips!
Trip #1
Our first trip was to San Antonio back in September. This was our first big family vacation on our own. We rented a big SUV and made the 6 hour drive to the Hill Country! Morgan did great in the car. I had little presents for her to open every hour, which kept her entertained. The only regret I had was letting her open the harmonica with 2 hours left in the drive! Overall it was a great trip. We stopped first in Kerrville to see my grandmother and then headed on to a resort near Sea World the next day.
Morgan catching a ride at the hotel in Kerrville.
The Dora exhibit at the Botanical Gardens.
Morgan insisted on riding the boat on the Riverwalk!
Playing on the "beach" at our hotel.
Here is Morgan's reaction the first time Shamu jumped out of the water. Her expression cracks me up!
Feeding the dolphins was Morgan's favorite activity the whole day!
We were so happy we fed the dolphins!
After a whole day without a nap, Morgan fell asleep on the way back to the hotel while eating her sucker!
On the way home, we stopped at the outlet mall in San Marcos to find "big girl" bedding for Morgan. Here she is at Johnny Rocket's sporting her fancy hat.
Trip #2
In October, Greg and Morgan headed down to his cousin's ranch for a high school reunion. I got a much needed weekend home alone!
Catching some fish!
These were some cute shots Greg took of Morgan on the porch.
Showing cousin Brandon a little love!
Fixing the "tractor"